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Organizations, new services, smurf essays etc.
Anti-Facist Forum
AFF is an info-group which collects and disseminates information, research and analysis on fascist activity and anti-fascist resistance.
Anti-Racist Action
As their website reads, "a coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to halting the rise of the racist right."
Arm the Spirit
An autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Great mailing list news service.
DIY Auctions
awesome resoure, always looking for new members. THIS MEANS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hate Watch
An educational resource combating online bigotry.
Micheal Moore
The director of Roger & Me and The Big One. Check out his television show The Awful Truth on Bravo.
Socio-Political Themes in The Smurfs
Were the Smurfs really just a bunch of Marxist commie homos??? Read this essay and decide for yourself....
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
"Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth's biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense."
Musical links of interest
Ambush Records
DJ Scud's label, releasing only the best in fucked nonlinear breaks.
Atari Teenage Riot MP3s
Now you never have to buy another ATR release as long as you live.
Circuit 8
-the ultimate hard, dark, sick danceless tech/noise/break/step/core resource. Everything from A(mbush) to Z(hark).
D-trash records
DIY label home to CPUwar, Bastards United, Schizoid, ENSC etc..
home to News from the Digital World as well as DIGI/TAL:NET_mailorder.. never updated, but who am I to complain??
Hey Richard!
Their drummer shows a striking resemblence to the late Deakon Kaskough. Go to their site and decide for yourself.
History Of the Future
Great label with the likes of Lost In Translation, Substance P and Venetian Snares... ace mailorder as well
the Idiot Sons
Jason Harris doin his thang. Super-intellectetriscore. Its beyond words!!!!!!
Public Enemy
Hiphops most revolutionary crew, no doubt.
Low Entropy
great producer in that speed/break/ambience/core vein
Melt Banana
Word, some of the coolest shit around. You dont know music until you know Melt banana.
NWHRDKORE Mailing list
representing the local hardcore scene. nice sheep, good people.
The Rave Hate Page
cant get ACDC or Guns & Roses records played at clubs anymore?? something Im sure The Backstabbers can relate to. this page is worth a visit for the pictures of assorted idiotic ravers dressed for the E.
great break/speed/gabber/core artist
Vinyl Communication
An American label for electronic weirdness. Their roster includes Lesser, Bombardier and Zipperspy. NO UPDATES.
that's all the links I have for now. Click here to go back to the index.