i said, 'are you ready to rock?'
files & info=Joe Lappin (aggrokragg)
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Antimov Audio
(click song title to download)
Antimov have temporarily abandoned their Woodinville Hardcore style for something stupider, less intelligent and not wholly P.C. ; something which establishes Antimov at the forefront of the House Punk movement. With thumpin bass, wicked vibe and everything inbetween, this track be so groovin with the Anarchist frequencies even Joe's dad was yellin "ANARCHY!" before it was all over and done with. Don't hesitate. Lyrics available here
Let's Bomb Millcreek! -MP3-
antimov blowin suburban utopia back to the boonies with loosely edited break/speed/noise core. the first track w/joe lappin.
Circle all your A's (Karoke Mix) -MP3-
sequenced version of the original Maltby bustcore classic. lots of noise. karoke is misspelled in the file info
Circle all your A's -real.audio (not streaming)-
Antimov single-handedly define bad sound recording quality. Old skoooool Antimov, before joe, with Deakon kaskough RIP on vocals.
Beat171 -MP3-
Joe's oldest track ever. basic Hardcore, but you can clap to it.
click here to visit AGGROKRAGG!!!! OH WOW truly from the heart of woodinville (no joke)
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these eyes... are cyring... these eyes are witnessing a website designed & maintained by Andrew Hedden.. all images are original, but you can use them if you want. fuck copyright, 2000.